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Sunday, June 13, 2021

STRANGE DOORS . . . part 2

a giant fantasy door at the 1939 San Fancisco World's Fair
at the 1939 San Fancisco World's Fair
S T R A N G E   D O O R S
a giant ornamented door at the 1915 San Fancisco World's Fairat the 1915 San Fancisco World's Fair
at the earlier 1915 San Fancisco World's Fair
S T R A N G E   D O O R S
stylish modern door hardware 1959
1959       click image twice for full size
S T R A N G E   D O O R S
Leopold Baur 1904 fantasy architecture
Leopold Baur,  1904
S T R A N G E   D O O R S
German 1890 Fantasy Architecture, a fantastic giant door
German,  1890
S T R A N G E   D O O R S
a fluted glass door by Peter Caspari 1952 Toronto
a fluted glass door in
Peter Caspari architecture,  1952       click twice
S T R A N G E   D O O R S
Léon Spilliaert
Léon Spilliaert
S T R A N G E   D O O R S
1898 Art Door, a photograph
S T R A N G E   D O O R S
a Richard Estes Painting of a glass door in blues
a Richard Estes Painting       click twice
S T R A N G E   D O O R S
an 1868 cartoon of a small dog attacking a frightened child
S T R A N G E   D O O R S
1930s door handles, a photograph
1930s door handles
S T R A N G E   D O O R S
a Disney animation Background of an open door
a Disney animation background       click twice
S T R A N G E   D O O R S
1948 Lucite door hardware display, a demonstration model
1948 hardware in
Lucite as a demonstration model
S T R A N G E   D O O R S
Peter Christen Asbjørnsen 1883 illustration
a Peter Christen Asbjørnsen illustration,  1883
S T R A N G E   D O O R S
Hanna Barbera Flintstones, a promotional image from the closing credits scene
Hanna Barbera television animation,  'The Flintstones'       click twice
S T R A N G E   D O O R S
Otto Rieth 1891 fantasy architecture
Otto Rieth,  1891
S T R A N G E   D O O R S
a 1948 glass block and mirror lobby, photograph
a 1948 glass-block and mirror lobby       click twice
S T R A N G E   D O O R S
a Garth Williams children's book illustration 1964
a Garth Williams children's book illustration,  1964
S T R A N G E   D O O R S
a Roy Krenkel illustration of the Emerald City in the land of Oz
a Roy Krenkel illustration of the Emerald City in the land of Oz
S T R A N G E   D O O R S
1890 Fantasy Door Egypt
an 1890 illustration
S T R A N G E   D O O R S
a René Gruau fashion illustration,  1947
a René Gruau fashion illustration,  1947
S T R A N G E   D O O R S
Pirro Ligorio garden
Pirro Ligorio,  1500s