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Sunday, November 17, 2019

STRANGE WETLANDS . . . by different artists

a Julius Diez illustration of Pan in a tree near some marshes, for Jugend?
Julius Diez
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
a Jean Veber 1896 nude woman in a swampy marsh
Jean Veber,  1896
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
an Ed Roth drawing of Rat Fink driving Don Garlit's dragster named Swamp Rat in Tampa Florida
"Swamp Rat"   an Ed Roth drawing of Rat Fink 
see full size
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
a Charles Tunnicliffe illustration of swampy marsh life
a Charles Tunnicliffe illustration
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
Robert Anning Bell's illustration of Syrinx, a woman fleeing through swamp wetlands
Robert Anning Bell
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
a Siemen Dijkstra print of marsh wetlands
a Siemen Dijkstra print,  2000s       see full size
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
a Dugald Stewart Walker 1914 illustration of someone drowning in a marsh wetland
a Dugald Stewart Walker illustration,  1914
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
an old textile from Asia with a tuerle pattern
an old textile from Asia
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
a Dorothy Lathrop illustration of wetlands life
an old Dorothy Lathrop illustration
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
a Theodor Kittelsen 1897 painting of ducks landing in grassy wetlands
Theodor Kittelsen art,  1897       see full size
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
a Theodor Kittelsen book illustration of a monster lurking in a pond
a Theodor Kittelsen book illustration       see full size
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
a Theodor Kittelsen cartoon about artists
a Theodor Kittelsen cartoon
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
Fritz Hegenbart 1902, a floating woman is barely kep alive by an underwater monster, suggesting drug addiction
Fritz Hegenbart,  1902
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
a Leonard Weisgard illustration of marsh wetlands
a Leonard Weisgard children's book       see full size
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
a 1920 illuminated lily pad for the garden, illustrated
a 1920 illuminated lily pad for the garden
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
a mechanical toy frog illustrated in three positions, 1888 Japan
a mechanical toy frog,  1888 Japan       see full size
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
a William Stout 1981 illustration of a tyrannosausus rex lurking in marsh wetlands
William Stout,  1981
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
a Carl Moll painting of ruins with pond marsh
a Carl Moll painting
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
a Stow Wengenroth print of a tree in marsh wetlands
Stow Wengenroth       see full size
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
a Harrison Cady illustration of two bugs talking in marsh wetland bullrushes
a Harrison Cady illustration
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
a Frank Frazetta book cover illustration for Monster Men
a 1960s Frank Frazetta book cover illustration
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
an old Peter Kolbe illustration of a green frog
an old Peter Kolbe illustration       see full size
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
an Eleanor Fortescue Brickdale illustration of a naked woman emerging from marsh wetlands
Eleanor Fortescue Brickdale
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
a Louis Moe illustration of a fox surprising ducks in marsh wetlands
Louis Moe       see full size
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
Louis Moe Peter Kroak 1932, the largest green frog in the pond
Louis Moe 1932   "Peter Kroak ... the largest green frog in the pond" 
see full size
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
a Mitchell Hooks book cover illustration for Swamp Sister by Robert Edmond Alter
        "Swamp Sister"   a Mitchell Hooks book cover illustration
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
a Mike Hinge 1972 illustration of a robot walking in swamp wetlands and bullrushes
Mike Hinge,  1972       see full size
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
a Linley Sambourne 1880s children's book illustration of a baby underwater in a marsh wetland pond
a Linley Sambourne 1880s children's book illustration
S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
an N.C. Wyeth illustration of a woman in marsh wetlands with birds flying past
an N.C. Wyeth illustration

S T R A N G E    W E T L A N D S
an N.C. Wyeth illustration of marsh wetlands and a pond
N.C. Wyeth